Wednesday 1 July 2009

Writing block unlocked...

After recording ''Lucky Number Sleven'' which is a Mixtape me and my brother write and record in a day I have been having a mad case of writers block which has been making me not even want to go to the studio!

''Theres scribbles here and scribbles there /
crossings out of bullshit lines...'' - Quote by GusTo

But funnily enough in the past few weeks it seems to be coming back to me. No I'm like a mad man literally writing on anything I can get my hands on. I even wrote a few bars on a titty last night. I'm an animal.. lol...

I think a lot has inspired me musically over the past week such as going to watch a local band called 12 dirty bullets... ehhh...Rick Ross's new album , Drake mixtape.. ... and sadly MJ's passing !
Few days ago Kryp said to me ''why hold on to all this material.... Let it go.. let people hear it... before its tooo late''.... ! I think hes right.........
I think its time to Let the Game's Commence...!!

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